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What notifications are sent by Teambuilder?

Note: Notifications are subject to change. The following emails are accurate as of November 11th, 2022.

Emails Sent to Staffers

New Client

Email is sent to staffing users when a new client is added to your waitlist.


New Therapist

Email is sent to staffing users when a new therapist registers for your organization.


New Interested Team

Email is sent to staffing users when a therapist applies to work with a client.

Emails Sent to Therapists

New Client – Please Review

Sent to qualified therapists (BA or BT) when a new client has registered on Teambuilder AND we are currently staffing for their role.


Client Updated Availability

Sent to qualified therapists (BA or BT) when a client is currently staffing and has updated their availability.


Application Confirmation

Sent to individual therapists after they apply to work with a client.


Weekly Waitlist Update Email

Sent to any therapist with Looking for Work = True at Wednesday at 12pm EST as a reminder of the clients currently on the waitlist.


Rejection Email

Sent to therapists when the scheduler either marks a BA as Declined, or clicks the “Reject The Therapist” link (BA or BT).


Clicking “Reject The Therapist” link will trigger this email.


Setting a Behavior Analyst’s status to Declined will also trigger this email.


[Coming Soon] Approval Email

Sent to individual therapists when the staffer clicks the “Confirm with therapist ” button on therapists that are approved by not active.


See Design of “Confirm with Therapist” Below

Emails Sent to Clients

Intake Confirmation

Email is sent to a guardian after they complete the client intake form. Note: If a scheduler creates a client directly, this email is NOT sent to the guardian.


Weekly Status Update

Email sent to all clients with at least one staffing toggle ON (i.e. they are currently looking for a BA or BT). Email is sent weekly at 12pm EST. The contents of this email are dynamic and depend on the status of the case.

Email if a BA is approved, and 3 BTs are interested


Email if 1 BA is active, 1 BT is active, but we are still staffing for more BTs.


Email if 1 BA is active, and 0 BTs are interested.

Need More Help? 

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out! We want to build the best tool for you, so please don’t hesitate to let me know your feedback.

Please contact me directly at calvin@teamworkcares.com. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours!