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What does each client status mean


After logging in, you are presented with a list of clients. These are both clients you are eligible to work with, or are currently part of their therapy team. Each client in the list has a specific status assigned to the them, depending on your relationship with the client.

Status Meanings:

Below is a list of what each status means

1. Invited – you are qualified to work with this client based on your experience, availability and location. These are potential clients you can work with and can click on the client to submit an application.

2. Interested – once you submit an application to work with an client, their status will change to interested. The staffer is currently
reviewing your application and will contact you with further details once they have made a decision.

3. Approved – the staffer has approved you to work with this client, but is currently going through the final verification process with the family to confirm final details. Unlike interested or invited clients, you will be able to see the full name and address of approved clients.

4. Active – you are currently working with this client. If you are a behavior technician, appointments with this client will block your

5. Inactive – the staffer has marked you as inactive on this case. This is likely a client you have worked with in the past.

6. Declined – you have indicated you are not interested in working with this client. Alternatively, the staffer might have decided you are not a good fit for this client.

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Please contact me directly at calvin@teamworkcares.com. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours!