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Understanding the client list


The client list contains all clients in Teambuilder’s system, regardless of their status. You can also view clients on a map by clicking the Map button at the top.


Client Statuses

Each client has a status associated with them, that is calculated based on the staffing toggle and status of their therapy team.


Client Fulfillment

Teambuilder calculates the Client Fulfillment , which indicates how many hours of direct therapy a client is receiving / how many hours are medically necessary. If authorized hours are known, that number is used to calculate fulfillment. Otherwise, we use the estimated medically necessary hours to calculate this figure.


Navigating the Client List

You can find specific clients in many ways. First, you can search for their name using a searchbar at the top of the page.


You can also sort the client list by particular attributes.


Finally, you can filter the client list by clicking on the filter button.

 How To Perform Filtering

Staffer can perform filtering using the following parameters:

1. Team member

2. Clients looking for a behavior analyst or behavior technician

3. Clients with warnings
a. Clients with schedule conflicts
b. Clients that need more availability

4. Availability
a. Day of week
b. Time of day

5. Location
a. Address + max distance
b. By neigbhorhood

6. Status

When a staffer chooses parameters for filtering, they need to click on the Apply filter button.


Teambuilder will indicate how many clients meet the specified criteria.

Need More Help?


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out! We want to build the best tool for you, so please don’t hesitate to let me know your feedback.

Please contact me directly at calvin@teamworkcares.com. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours!