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Getting started as a therapist on Teambuilder

Welcome to Teambuilder! We hope this tool makes it easier to find and manage your work as an ABA therapist. This article is intended for both Behavior Analysts and Behavior Technicians. 

This guide will show you the basics of Teambuilder, and how you can get started using the tool. It will cover:

  1. Creating your account
  2. Exploring open cases
  3. Updating your working hours / availability
  4. Applying to work 


Creating your account

To get started on Teambuilder, you must:


  1. Go to YOUR-COMPANY.teambuilder.care and click login.
  2. On the sign-up screen, click Forgot Your Password?
  3. Enter your email address and click Send Link
  4. Copy the confirmation code that was sent to your email
  5. On the Create password screen, enter your email and confirmation code then create a password.
  6. Login to your account and fill out the intake form to get started. 


See this article for more details on the intake form: https://teamwork.tech/knowledge-base/how-to-register-a-new-therapist-account/


Exploring open cases



Once you have registered an account and login, you will be shown the Client list. This is a list of your current client cases, AND clients you are qualified to work with given your experience and availability. Each client is given a match score based on how well we think they would fit your needs. You can sort the list by match score, intake date, or distance to yourself. You can also filter for clients with certain availability.


See this article for more details on how you can explore open cases here: https://teamwork.tech/knowledge-base/how-to-find-clients-to-work-with/ 


Updating your availability


After logging in for the first time,  it is important that you double-check and confirm your working hours are up-to-date. Click your name in the top-right of the screen and then select Edit Availability. 

On this screen, please add the hours you are open to work. If you are currently working with a client, please make sure to include the hours your are currently working with them. For example, if I am available to work 9am-6pm on Tuesdays, and currently provide services to a family between 12pm-3pm on Tuesdays, my working hours in Teambuilder should be from 9am-6pm.

See this article for more details on how to update your availability: https://teamwork.tech/knowledge-base/how-can-i-update-my-availability/


Applying to work with a client



If you find a client you would like to work with, you can submit an application to work with them. For a Behavior Technician, you will be able to propose the exact therapy schedule you wish to work. For a Behavior Analyst, you can also indicate interest in a client, but you will not need to propose a therapy schedule.

Once an application is submitted, this information will be sent to your scheduler who will review the application and let you know if you are a good fit for the case. 


See this article for more details on how you can explore open cases here: https://teamwork.tech/knowledge-base/how-to-apply-to-work-with-clients/ 


Need More Help?


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out! We want to build the best tool for you, so please don’t hesitate to let me know your feedback.

Please contact me directly at calvin@teamworkcares.com. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours!