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How to find clients to work with


After completing the intake form and logging into Teambuilder, you will be presented a list of all clients that are currently looking for someone of your role (e.g. looking for a Behavior Technician or Behavior Analyst).

Based on your overlap with client availability, commute time, and your experience compared to the child’s needs, we are able to assign a match score for each client. A higher score indicates a better potential match for you.

The closer a client is, the more hours of overlap you have with their schedule, and the more experience you have will result in a higher match score. Below the match score we show you those three items (commute time, experience match, and availability overlap).

Sorting Potential Clients

To quickly find a client to work with, you can sort the client list according to the highest match score, commute time, or by intake date.


In addition, you can further refine your search by filtering for clients with specific availability or locations. 

Need More Help?

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out! We want to build the best tool for you, so please don’t hesitate to let me know your feedback.

Please contact me directly at calvin@teamworkcares.com. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours!